Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Quarter 1 reflection

This quarter has gone by fast for me and has been pretty interesting. I was out a couple of days and it set me behind and it was a pretty stressful time trying to get caught up but I eventually did. My classes have been a little challenging depending on the class but other than that have gone by super fast and have been more higher up in class work/homework if that makes sense. My grades for this quarter are pretty good except for I think one class where my stupid CEL grade is at a 1 which I still ink the CEL grades are really stupid. For next time I could ask for more extra assignments or I could have made more of an effort in certain classes and  trying to ask for more help in order to be successful next quarter. Also after school I wasn't in any clubs but am panning to get into more clubs this next and upcoming quarter. Other than all these things this quarter has been pretty decent overall.