My one word is sleep. It’s one of the most important things to me and literally helps me function better, yet I get the least amount of sleep constantly. I’m always tired and I can usually by annoyed easily or just grumpy due to lack of sleep. The word sleep connects to my life in many ways, if I get a good amount of sleep it connects to my life in a positive way, if I don’t get enough of it then it connects to my life in a negative way and plus for me it’s a good word for the year because I’ve notice that I’m just a better person over all with it and it’s a word that means something to me. It allows me to dream and I get to see what happens and things I could do or maybe I want to do but sleep is just important to me and with it and if I get enough of it, it improves my mood, makes me a better human, keeps me focused in class without slowly falling asleep, and it allows me to have energy for the day. I will hold myself accountable with my word by putting reminders on my iPad, phone, etc, to ensure I go to sleep early.